If I Was Late With My First Two Kid Will I Be Late Again

The truth almost iii childbirth myths

Woman holding newborn baby (Credit: Alamy)

Some myths about babies and what brings on labour have proved remarkably persistent. BBC Futurity put them under the microscope.

ane) First babies usually arrive late

Information technology's truthful that simply 4% of babies are born on their due dates, and that plenty of kickoff babies are built-in late, just plenty of others are born early. When estimator scientist Allen Downey from the Olin Higher of Technology in the US looked in detail at the data from a survey conducted in 2002 by the Centers for Disease Command and Prevention, he found that first babies are less likely to be born on the due appointment than subsequent children. His analysis showed they're more than probable to be late than subsequent babies, but they are besides more than likely than second or third babies to be built-in early.

He did find that offset babies are on average born slightly later than other babies, just by simply 16 hours, or a lilliputian more than than that if you only include babies born at full-term. But since we're looking at all babies, I think it's fairer to include the premature babies as well.

Sixteen hours isn't much, and then the assumption that commencement babies are commonly several days or even a calendar week tardily isn't correct. It does happen sometimes, and anybody will have anecdotes about babies induced two weeks after they were due considering they've still not arrived. Only of course, information is not the plural of anecdote, so when you lot're seeking trends, individual stories tell us little.

Surprisingly few babies are born on their due date (Credit: Alamy)

Surprisingly few babies are born on their due date (Credit: Alamy)

There'due south besides the question of whether we should fifty-fifty expect every pregnancy to terminal the same number of weeks. In one study, researchers measured hormone levels every day from the urine samples of women who were trying to conceive. This allowed them to determine exactly when ovulation and implantation of the fertilised egg had occurred, and to summate an accurate length of pregnancy. They plant it could vary past as much as v weeks.

For second and third babies, the delivery engagement might also depend on the length of the gap betwixt pregnancies. Researchers found that if formulation occurs within a year of the nativity of the first baby, the second pregnancy is often shorter.

Some believe that due dates should be abandoned. Instead, women could be given a subsequently date and told that past this engagement they will have delivered their babe. This would hateful that 96% of couples could be saved from the pressure level and anxiety that comes from their baby beingness built-in on a engagement other than the one they've had in their minds for all those months.

two) Spicy food brings on labour

If the due date has passed and in that location's no sign of anything happening, and so roughly one-half of women take things into their ain hands. In a United states of america survey, more than a 5th of those hoping to kick-outset labour did so by eating a hot back-scratch.

The theory is that it might increment peristalsis – the moving ridge like muscle contractions that help food pass through the gut - which in turn might trigger contractions in the uterus. This has never been tested systematically and in that location accept been calls for large-scale randomised controlled trials to discover what does and doesn't encourage labour to outset.

Spicy food has long been thought of as a way to bring on labour (Credit: Alamy)

Spicy food has long been thought of as a mode to bring on labour (Credit: Alamy)

Even if spicy food tin trigger contractions in some, its effectiveness might depend on your tolerance to spicy nutrient. If you eat it every day it might not have the same impact on the intestine and in turn have no touch on on the uterus.

3) Your waters always intermission dramatically

In films, heavily pregnant women suddenly look stricken as, without warning, liquid suddenly gushes out of them while contractions first and they clutch their bellies, before being rushed to infirmary. In fact, it frequently doesn't happen like this. Contractions tin begin before the waters suspension. Sometimes they don't break and medical staff do information technology artificially. And very occasionally the amniotic sac doesn't break at all and the baby is born withal in the sac, known as "en caul". It is claimed that Sigmund Freud himself was 1 of these babies.

But almost of the time, if waters break and the babe is at term, then labour and birth are not far away, if not already underway. One big study found that iii-quarters of women whose waters had broken went into labour inside 24 hours, the majority without consecration.

Those hoping for drama might be disappointed, because fifty-fifty when the waters breaking is the first point that labour is about to start, the amniotic fluid can just seep out gradually, rather than in one big gush.

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Source: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20171127-the-truth-about-three-childbirth-myths

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